Natural Flea & Tick Repellent for Dogs – Natural Remedy! *

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Use a NATURAL flea & tick repellent on your dogs or cats. Don’t use toxic poisons like Frontline or Advantix to kill fleas or ticks! Therefore, the best way

Keeping Your Dog Flea & Tick-Free with a Homemade Repellent
Living in the great outdoors can be fun for your pup, but it also comes with some risks. Fleas and ticks can attach themselves to your pet’s fur and are not only irritating, but they can carry disease as well. To keep your pet safe and healthy, you may want to consider making a homemade flea and tick repellent that is natural and free of harsh chemicals. Here’s how to do it.
Gather Your Ingredients
The first step towards creating your own flea and tick repellent is gathering the necessary ingredients. You will need:
• 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
• 1/2 cup of water
• 2-3 drops of lavender oil or tea tree oil
• A spray bottle
Mix the Ingredients Together
Once you have all the ingredients ready, it’s time to mix them together in the spray bottle. Start by adding the apple cider vinegar into the spray bottle followed by the water. Then add two to three drops of either lavender oil or tea tree oil. Close the lid tightly on your spray bottle and shake gently until all ingredients are mixed together.
Apply The Repellent
Now that you have your homemade flea and tick repellent ready, it’s time to apply it on your dog’s fur! Spray a light mist over their coat while avoiding their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Make sure that you cover every inch of their fur so that no area gets left untreated. After applying, gently massage or brush your dog’s coat so that the repellent spreads out evenly throughout their fur. This will help ensure maximum coverage against any pesky fleas or ticks!
A good rule of thumb is to reapply every two weeks just to make sure that any potential pests don’t have an opportunity to latch onto your pup’s furry coat!
You may also want to consider using this repellent before going out for walks in heavily wooded areas where fleas and ticks are more likely to lurk around
If at any point during this process you feel uncomfortable or unsure about what you’re doing, please consult a veterinarian before proceeding
Conclusion: Making a homemade flea and tick repellent is an easy way for pet owners to keep their beloved pups safe from pests without having to rely on harsh chemicals found in traditional store-bought products. With a few simple ingredients combined with some love and care, you can create a natural solution for keeping your pup pest-free! Be sure to reapply every two weeks just in case any lingering pests may have gotten through the first application round. If ever unsure about anything during this process always reach out to your veterinarian for advice! Happy spraying!

About Post Author

Louie Montan

Meet Louie Montan, the dog-loving, beer-drinking, travel-writing extraordinaire behind Great White Website Services. As a full-time blogger, Louie's passion for all things canine shines through in every post he creates. But don't let that fool you, this creative mind is also well-versed in the art of travel and knows how to appreciate a good glass of cold beer with friends. And of course, no writing session is complete without Mr. Tim Bean by his side, providing invaluable insights and snuggles as Louie crafts his witty and engaging content from the comfort of his home office.
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