Maltese Puppy: Crate Training

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Maltese Puppy: How to Crate Train Your New Furry Friend

Bringing a new puppy home is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be intimidating, especially when it comes to training. One of the most important parts of puppy training is crate training.

Not only does it help with potty training and keeping your pup safe, but it also provides them with a secure and calming space. Crate training may seem daunting at first, but with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, it can be a breeze.

In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of crate training your Maltese puppy.


Choose the Right Crate

First things first, you must choose the right crate for your puppy. A crate that’s too small may cause your pet anxiety, and a crate that’s too large could lead to accidents. Your crate should be just large enough for your Maltese puppy to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. You have two options when it comes to the type of crate: a plastic one or a metal one with a removable tray. Both options are acceptable for crate training, but the plastic crate might be more appealing to your pup as it can feel cozier.


Introducing the Crate

Once you’ve got your crate, introduce it to your puppy. Avoid forcing your pup into the crate or scaring them with loud noises. Instead, make it a positive experience by placing the crate in a common area in your home and leaving the door open. Put a soft blanket or install a comfortable pad inside to make it more appealing. Encourage your puppy to investigate on their own to get familiar with the crate.


Slowly Start Using the Crate

Start training your Maltese puppy to be comfortable surrounded by the crate; try feeding them inside the crate. Gradually add more time to their allowed crate time. Over time, close the door to help your puppy get used to being inside the crate. Begin with short intervals and increase the time gradually to avoid getting overly anxious. Also make sure to interact positively with them when they successfully stay in the crate longer or without problem.


Make the Crate a Comfortable Place

Potty training is an essential part of puppyhood, which can be made easy with crate training. Dogs have a natural aversion to soiling where they sleep, making crates an excellent tool in reinforcing this behavior. Place your puppy in the crate when they need to pee and give them regular opportunities to relieve themselves outside. Teach your pet that the crate is a comfortable spot and make sure it’s stocked with their favorite toys, water, and a radiant bed.


Be Consistent and Praise Good Behavior

Consistency is the key to successful crate training. Ensure you maintain a routine and schedule for your Maltese puppy. Consistency goes hand in hand with positive reinforcement. Make sure you praise your pet every time they successfully do something right with the crate. Praise them when they follow you into the crate and have treats ready to give them. Positive reinforcement is a primary method of training, and you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make with your Maltese puppy.


Maltese Puppy: How to Crate Train

Crate training your Maltese puppy can help reinforce good potty training habits while also providing them with a secure and relaxing space. It may take some time, but with consistency and patience, it can be effortless and with great results.

By following the tips shared in this blog post, you can ensure that your furry friend will settle into your home, surrounded by a peaceful and cozy environment. With patience and consistency, you can ensure a respectful and happy lifespan as a Maltese puppy parent.

About Post Author

Louie Montan

Meet Louie Montan, the dog-loving, beer-drinking, travel-writing extraordinaire behind Great White Website Services. As a full-time blogger, Louie's passion for all things canine shines through in every post he creates. But don't let that fool you, this creative mind is also well-versed in the art of travel and knows how to appreciate a good glass of cold beer with friends. And of course, no writing session is complete without Mr. Tim Bean by his side, providing invaluable insights and snuggles as Louie crafts his witty and engaging content from the comfort of his home office.
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