Do These 3 Things When You Get A Dog

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A new dog coming home is exciting but training them is a priority and there are things that you need to remember to do when bringing a dog home.FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: Will – PRODUCTS: All ProductsHere on Will Atherton Canine Training we make videos about man’s best friend so if this is your first time here don’t forget to subscribe! These videos are made and aimed at adults in a stage of their life to purchase or adopt a dog, we want to help them choose the right breed and become excellent canine leaders to help end the number of dogs that end up in shelters.Timecodes 0:00 – Intro 0:22 – Pack Migration 1:23 – Crate Training 2:21 – Implementing Plan 3:23 – Round Up#dog #dogtraining #newdog

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Do These 3 Things When You Get A Dog


What are the three most important things to do when you get a dog?

The three most important things to do when you get a dog are to provide plenty of exercise, ensure they have access to proper nutrition and a safe place to live, as well as establish good habits and set rules for them to follow. Exercise is crucial for your pup’s physical health, nutrition ensures that your pup gets all the nutrients they need, and setting rules will help with their mental development.


How much exercise should I provide my pup with?

This depends on the age, size, and breed of your pup but generally speaking 30 minutes of exercise per day is recommended for most pups; start with shorter walks lasting 5-10 minutes at first then gradually increase duration over time.


What kind of nutrition should I give my dog?

It is important to ensure that all dietary needs specific to the particular breed, age and weight of your pup are met; always consult with a vet or specialist in canine nutrition who can advise on what type of food would be best suited for your pup’s individual needs. It would also be beneficial to research any potential allergies or intolerances before buying food!


Is it necessary to create a safe space for my pup?

Yes – it is essential that you create a safe space where your puppy can relax away from other pets and distractions; this could be their own corner in the house away from other people and noise or even outside in an area designated just for them (if weather permitting). In addition, make sure you provide comfortable bedding such as blankets or cushions so that your pup feels secure!

How can I establish good habits in my puppy?

Establishing good habits requires patience and consistency; start small by teaching basic commands like ‘sit’ or ‘stay’ then build up more complicated tasks such as fetching items or walking on a leash after they have mastered these basics. Additionally make sure you reward desired behavior every time they succeed in following through with said command thus preventing bad habits forming taking over longer term.

Should I set specific rules for my puppy?

Setting ground rules early on ensures clear expectations from both parties involved: Start off simple – No jumping climbing furniture chewing shoes etcetera — Eventually expand scope including outdoor activities going park, visiting neighbors polite introductions made nonintrusive manner always

Are there any tips aid process introducing pet socialization element existing program discussed above?

Sure thing! Start slowly introducing one family member friend group time smallest possible number begin; Allowing interactions short regular intervals helpful facilitating positive results seen eventually allowing further companions join

What kinds rewards are permissible providing excellent conduct portrayed decisions taken pet concern?

Positive reinforcement via treats verbal praise works wonders showing appreciation conducted following orders — Rewarding regularly key issue ensuring obedience remains consistent unyielding matter words phrases implemented future

Could present toys lend aiding process educating pets discipline format outlined today?

Absolutely – Toys serve perfect functions teaching fun interactive ways keeping sharp focus trained towards laws explained — Seek fitting appropriate ones develop skills level knowledge partnership formed

How do I make sure that my puppy knows when they are being naughty vs behaving correctly?

Correct behavior must praised positively thereby indicating negative behavior avoided altogether leading improved understanding differentiation shown understanding created: Keeping relaxed calm throughout helps too therefore signifying meaning each action

Do puppies require potty breaks taken regularly upon commencing already specified timescales discussed prior?

Most certainly! Depending individual characteristics encountered scheduled timescales differ accordingly associated tasks undertaken within environment continually monitored updated required instance purposes stated

Could owners seek assistance experts field to help overcome obstacles faced interpretation conclusions written earlier?

Definitely – Professional trainers experienced handling similar cases inquisitive scenarios answerable queries amassed hand act great source reliable information indispensable guidance attributed highest regard description

Is there benefit derived engaging members family actively participate process further ensuring getting best results expected then?

Yes – Having second pair hands presents opportunity providing assistance different angles sometimes understood much easily: Not limited solely attending classes either― Simple everyday scenarios exercised home leading excellent maintained

Are there differences noticed terms strength durability collars chosen depending kind breed owned exactly then?

Yes – Quality materials dependent size breed type owned concerned: Lighter sorts made nylon sturdy leather constructed specifically dealing large sized breeds enabled vary degree tension need tested individually

Finally what advice hold order teach potty indoor daytime issues pertaining current article?

Potty training indoors best accomplished patience reinforcement initially involving lots praise rewards given completing task briefed − Settling issues routines typically enforced easing transition subjected ― Positive feedback denotes happier pet cultivated end results released





About Post Author

Louie Montan

Meet Louie Montan, the dog-loving, beer-drinking, travel-writing extraordinaire behind Great White Website Services. As a full-time blogger, Louie's passion for all things canine shines through in every post he creates. But don't let that fool you, this creative mind is also well-versed in the art of travel and knows how to appreciate a good glass of cold beer with friends. And of course, no writing session is complete without Mr. Tim Bean by his side, providing invaluable insights and snuggles as Louie crafts his witty and engaging content from the comfort of his home office.
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